Tabriz school
Tabriz (Azerbaijan) miniature. Tabriz – is a city in Iranian province Vost. Azerbaijan. The introduction on the Iranian throne of the Mongol of the Gazan-khan (rule 1295-1304), accepted Islam, promoted culture and art development. Vezir (Ministr) Gazan-khan Rashid-ad-Din, the author of the well-known world history “Jami at-Tavarih” for an ornament its miniatures has created in XIII – century in Tabriz rich library and workshops in which the best artists of that time worked. The Mongolian period (XIII-XIV century) was very important for formation of the Persian classical painting. It promoted creation of the new style based on thin picturesque synthesis of the Chinese, Arabian, Byzantine elements. At following governors of Iran, Jalarai miniature art has reached the blossoming.